MORE ABOUT Hydro Excavation

Hydro Excavation

When dealing with underground plumbing issues, there are so many things to consider.
All of these are responsible questions to be asking, especially when bracing for what could potentially be an expensive problem to fix. Luckily, the professionals at Poo Bear Plumbing, have been doing it for many years. Using hydro excavation and the latest in plumbing and excavation technologies, any and all plumbing issues you may be dealing with will soon be a thing of the past.

How Does Hydro Excavation Work?

Hydro excavations are less invasive plumbing methods employed by plumbers and various other contractors as a means of removing dirt and debris in and around plumbing structures. Using water blasts pumping at around 300 to 500 psi and high-pressure vacuuming, hydro excavation effectively removes sediment, build up, and blockages by extracting dirt into a tank for permanent removal.

Why Is Hydro Excavation The Best Choice?

Simply put, hydro excavation is more cost effective than other excavation methods. Because of its increased safety for usage and its precision, it’s also been proven repeatedly to be the most efficient choice. Lastly, it takes less time to do the job.Because hydro excavation is performed above ground without the need for obtrusive digging, there is a much smaller impact on your landscaping and the environment.

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